Tuesday 4 March 2008

It's 5pm...

I've been up for an hour...

It is, of course, the aftermath of my first nightshift.

Unable to get any sleep beforehand, my night shift was something of a misfire. That's to say I was not my usual, amazing self. Of course, a half-decent OFMN is better than your run-of-the-mill Y1S2 student nurse, I know, but still...

I'd been up for 10 hours before my shift started, which didn't help things, obviously. And I didn't know many of the patients after coming back from a weekend off (Including an excessively hot one who is, alas, only in for one night. We can discuss the ethics of patient-based flirting later). And then, to make matters worse, once my writing was mostly done and I was looking at a compassionate early dart home to get some clearly needed sleep, one of our patients has a 'slight' stroke. Made all the more annoying by the fact that we'd called a medic earlier to check the patient out, and the medic hadn't even went in the room to see.

I left my mentor 15 minutes early, god bless her. She still had the unenviable task of calling the patient's next of kin and informing them of the possibility of a stroke. I'm willing to take on new challenges, but that one is perhaps a bit ahead of me. For now.

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